Ultrasound and Endoscopic Surgery in Obstetrics and Gynaecology

A Combined Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment

Ultrasound and Endoscopic Surgery in Obstetrics and Gynaecology

A Combined Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment

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This is a unique book in that it brings together the two key investigative techniques in Gynaecology and Obstetrics, namely ultrasound and endoscopy. So often in the past they were regarded by their exponents as rival techniques but it is now recognised that they are complementary to each other. Consequently future trainees in endoscopy should become efficient in transvaginal sonography and vice versa. Ultrasound can be used to study the morphology of the pelvic organs such as the endometrium, myometrium and ovaries, and being non-invasive, safe and convenient can be repeated as often as is deemed necessary to monitor changes over time; for example in the investigation of the infertile woman the development of the dominant follicle, the maturation of the endometrium and the formation of the corpus luteum can be documented throughout the menstrual cycle while growth of ovarian cysts can be precisely measured to determine the need for surgery. A seldom-mentioned strength of the ultrasound examination is its interactive quality, for example by performing abdominal palpation during the scan, the mobility of the uterus and ovaries can be assessed. Also the images as they appear can be shown to the patient to aid understanding. Ultrasound can also determine function and the use of Doppler has been used for example to access endometrial receptivity, follicular maturity and the likelihood of malignancy in the endometrium or ovary.

I Menorrhagia
1 Ultrasound and Menorrhagia
2 Role of Hysteroscopy
3 Hysteroscopic Fibroid Resection
4 Transcervical Resection of the Endometrium: Results and Complications
5 Laparoscopic Subtotal Hysterectomy
6 Vaginal Hysterectomy
7 Laparoscopic Myomectomy
II The Postmenopausal Endometrium
8 Postmenopausal Bleeding: Ultrasound and Hydrosonography versus Hysteroscopy
9 Endometrial Sampling Techniques
10 Monitoring Hormone Replacement Therapy
11 Endometrial Surveillance of Tamoxifen Patients
III Endometrial Malignancy
12 Ultrasound Staging of Endometrial Cancer
13 Laparoscopy in Patients with Endometrial Cancer
IV Urogynaecology
14 Anal Endosonography and Incontinence
15 Laparoscopic Treatment of Uterine and Vault Prolapse
16 Enterocele Repair
17 Endoscopic Needle Suspensions
18 Laparoscopic Sacral Colpopexy and Sacrospinous Fixation
19 Laparoscopic Colposuspension
20 Laparoscopic Suburethral Sling Procedure
V Ovarian Masses
21 The Use of Ultrasound to Assess the Morphology of Ovarian Tumours
22 Colour Doppler
23 Statistical Models
24 Treatment of Adnexal Masses and Laparoscopy
25 Second-look Laparoscopy in Patients with Ovarian Cancer
VI Endometriosis
26 Ultrasound Characteristics of Endometriosis
27 The Ovarian Endometrioma: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Surgery
28 Endometriosis is a Surgical Disease
Appendix: The Revised AFS Classification of Endometriosis
VII Disorders of Ovarian Function and Subfertility
29 Amenorrhoea and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
30 The Assessment of Tubal Patency: Hystero-Contrast-Salpingography
31 Laparoscopic Treatment of Tubal Infectious Disease
32 Three-dimensional Ultrasound Diagnosis of Congenital Uterine Anomalies
33 The Role of Endoscopy in Congenital Abnormalities: Diagnosis and Treatment
Appendix: Classification of Miillerian Abnormalities
VIII Early Pregnancy Complications
34 Early Pregnancy Failure
35 Ultrasound Diagnosis and Management of Miscarriage
36 Ultrasound Diagnosis and Management of Pregnancy of Unknown Location and Ectopic Pregnancy
37 Systemic and Local Therapy of Ectopic Pregnancy
38 The Laparoscopic Approach of Ectopic Pregnancy
IX Early Prenatal Diagnosis and Obstetric Endoscopy
39 Nuchal Translucency and Early Diagnosis of Congenital Anomalies
40 Early Amniocentesis
41 Coelocentesis
42 Chorion Villus Sampling in the First Trimester
43 Obstetric Endoscopy.
ISBN 978-3-540-76212-6
Artikelnummer 9783540762126
Medientyp Buch
Copyrightjahr 2002
Verlag Springer, Berlin
Umfang XXIV, 344 Seiten
Abbildungen XXIV, 344 p.
Sprache Englisch