Uveitis and Immunological Disorders

Uveitis and Immunological Disorders

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Uveitis and immunological disorders encompass a wide spectrum of potential blinding diseases that are seen in daily practice by many ophthalmologists. In recent years enormous progress has been made understanding the principal mechanisms of inflammatory and immunological processes in ocular disorders. The purpose of this volume of "Essentials in Ophthalmology" is to provide the ophthalmologist with our present understanding of the pathogenesis of the most frequent immune-mediated disorders of the eye and a practical approach to these diseases.

"Uveitis and Immunological Disorders

   -"Fills the gap between textbooks and original research publications

   - Focuses on clinical aspects of inflammatory eye diseases

   - Covers a broad spectrum, including diseases affecting the conjunctiva, sclera and cornea as well as intraocular inflammation

   - Includes basic research aspects such as immune mechanisms and genetics

   - Is quick and easy to read: highly structured with "core messages" and "summaries" for the clinician


This publication will serve not only as a valuable source of up-to-date information for ophthalmologists but will also be of interest to pediatricians, specialists in internal medicine and dermatologists confronted with inflammatory eye diseases.

Targets in Ocular Allergy
Dry Eye: Inflammation of the Lacrimal Functional Unit
Ocular Cicatricial Pemphigoid
Immunomodulation for Corneal Transplantation
Clinical Aspects of MALT
Immunogenetics of Ocular Inflammatory Disease
Immune Mechanisms in Uveitis
The Tip of the Iceberg: Current Knowledge of Uveitis in Juvenile Arthritis
Herpes Viruses in Ocular Inflammation
Cytomegalovirus and the Eye
Behçet's Disease
Choroiditis: General Considerations and Classification
Primary Inflammatory Choriocapillaropathies
Stromal Choroiditis
Immunomodulatory Therapy in Uveitis
Vitrectomy in Uveitis.
ISBN 978-3-642-43898-1
Artikelnummer 9783642438981
Medientyp Buch
Copyrightjahr 2014
Verlag Springer, Berlin
Umfang XVII, 291 Seiten
Abbildungen XVII, 291 p.
Sprache Englisch