Water and Biomolecules

Physical Chemistry of Life Phenomena

Water and Biomolecules

Physical Chemistry of Life Phenomena

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Life is produced by the interplay of water and biomolecules. This book deals with the physicochemical aspects of such life phenomena produced by water and biomolecules, and addresses topics including "Protein Dynamics and Functions", "Protein and DNA Folding", and "Protein Amyloidosis". All sections have been written by internationally recognized front-line researchers. The idea for this book was born at the 5th International Symposium "Water and Biomolecules", held in Nara city, Japan, in 2008.

Mapping Protein Folding Landscapes by NMR Relaxation
Experimental and Simulation Studies of the Folding/Unfolding of Goat ?-Lactalbumin
Transition in the Higher-order Structure of DNA in Aqueous Solution
Generalized-Ensemble Algorithms for Studying Protein Folding
Protein Folding and Binding: Effective Potentials, Replica Exchange Simulations, and Network Models
Functional Unfolded Proteins: How, When, Where, and Why?
Structure of the Photointermediate of Photoactive Yellow Protein and the Propagation Mechanism of Structural Change
Time-Resolved Detection of Intermolecular Interaction of Photosensor Proteins
Volumetric Properties of Proteins and the Role of Solvent in Conformational Dynamics
A Statistical Mechanics Theory of Molecular Recognition
Computational Studies of Protein Dynamics
Biological Functions of Trehalose as a Substitute for Water
Protein Misfolding Diseases and the Key Role Played by the Interactions of Polypeptides with Water
Effect of UV Light on Amyloidogenic Proteins: Nucleation and Fibril Extension
Real-Time Observation of Amyloid Fibril Growth by Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy.
ISBN 978-3-540-88786-7
Artikelnummer 9783540887867
Medientyp Buch
Copyrightjahr 2009
Verlag Springer, Berlin
Umfang XVII, 307 Seiten
Abbildungen XVII, 307 p.
Sprache Englisch