Zweites Internationales Symposium über Neurosekretion

Lund vom 1. bis 6. Juli 1957

Zweites Internationales Symposium über Neurosekretion

Lund vom 1. bis 6. Juli 1957

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In recent years investigation ofthe phenomenon of neurosecretion has proceed ed largely along lines that emerged from the discussions of the first Symposium on Neurosecretion, held at the Zoological Station, Naples, Italy, in 1953 [Pubbl. Staz. Zool. 24, Suppl. 1-98 (1954)]. N ew insights were gained as a result of the use of the electron microscope. Con siderable progress was made in the chemical analysis of the material produced and released by neurosecretory cells. The röle of neurosecretory centers in the neuro endocrine control of various physiological functions in inverte bra tes and verte brates is understood a great deal better today than a few years ago. These and related topics were discussed at the Second Symposium on Neurosecretion, held at the University of Lund, Sweden, July 1-6, 1957. As in the case of the Proceedings of the Naples Symposium the manuscripts of the formal papers were collected by the editors some time after the meeting in order to enable the authors to include the essentials of the discussions which followed each paper. To record the discussions verbatim seemed less important than to risk the loss of spontaneity which might result from the presence of recording apparatus. The organization of such a meeting requires the dedicated cooperation of many persons and the good will of various agencies. The members of the Symposium were unanimous in their. praise and gratitude for their gracious hosts at Lund.

Montag, 1. Juli
Introduction; Opening address
Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen an der Neurohypophyse. (Mit 6 Abbildungen)
Neurosecretory and related phenomena in the hypothalamus and pituitary of man. (With 5 Figures)
Neurosecretory transport in the pituitary stalk of Lophius piscatorius. (With 2 Figures)
The application of newer histochemical and isotope techniques for the localisation of protein-bound cystine or cysteine to the study of hypothalamic neurosecretion in normal and pathological conditions. (With 3 Figures)
Étude préliminaire du système neurosécrétoire diencéphaleneurohypophysaire par S35
Dienstag, 2. Juli
Neurosekretion und Stress
Über Begleiterscheinungen der Neurosekretion im Silberbild. (Mith 7 Abbildungen)
Les voies extra-hypothalamo-neurohypophysaires de la neurosécrétion diencéphalique dans la série des Vertébrés. (Avec 8 Figures)
Neurosecretion and stimulation of the adenohypophysis
Characterization of the corticotrophin releasing factor of the neurohypophysis. (With 5 Figure)
Effects of sucrose on the hypothalamo-hypophyseal system of toad tadpoles. (With 2 Figures)
Mittwoch, 3. Juli
Action de l'ocytocine sur la libération d'hormone lutéotrophique chez la ratte
Beobachtungen zur Morphologie der Neurosekretion bei Wirbeltieren. (Mit 9 Abbildungen, davon 2 farbige
Occurrence of substance P in the central nervous system of fish
Etat naturel des principes ocytocique et vasopressique de la neurohypophyse. (Avec 2 Figures)
Donnerstag, 4. Juli
Neuro-endocrine mechanisms in insects. (With 2 Figures)
Quelques aspects des phénomènes de neuro-sécrétion chez les phasmides. (Aveigures) (verlesen durch B. Possompès)
Le rôle des ptérines dans le mécanisme hormonal du complexerétrocérébral chez les insectes. (Avec 1 Figure)
Evolution des cellules neuro-sécrétrices protocérébrales et de la glande péritrachéenne de Calliphora erythrocephala Meig (Diptère) après section des connexions nerveuses entre le cerveau et l'anneau de Weismann
Neurosecretion in the milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus (Dallas). (With 5 Figures)
Probable endocrine mechanism controlling oviposition in the insect Iphita limbata Stal. (With 1 Figure) (verlesen durch B. Scharrer)
Freitag, 5. Juli
Recent studier on neurosecretion
Electron microscopy of a crustacean neurosecretory Organ. (With 2 Figures)
Neurosecretion and retinal pigment movement in crustaceans
Observations on the neurosecretory system of portunid crabs. (With 4 Figures)
Isolation of the red pigment concentrating hormone of the crustacean eyestalk (With 1 Figure)
ISBN 978-3-642-53253-5
Artikelnummer 9783642532535
Medientyp Buch
Copyrightjahr 2012
Verlag Springer, Berlin
Umfang VI, 126 Seiten
Abbildungen VI, 126 S. 56 Abb., 2 Abb. in Farbe.
Sprache Deutsch